5 steps to Avoiding Malware ghost that haunt in the Game Online

Gaming, or game play, one of the three major activities that use either a computer connected to the Internet or not. Online games recently showed significant improvement. With the support of the development of Internet network technology and creativity of the game makers make games more interesting and challenging to anyone who menggemarinya. As in the virtual world, play games onlinepun not escape the shadow of malware.

Malware is now feared that the online gamers. Let us see what are the types of attacks that often descend and malware that haunt the gaming world.

Threat anything that threatens the cyber-gamers?

• Phishing: fake games site, mode of proliferation of internet crime on the internet. Some of them appear with a face that has a resemblance to the original URL or web game. A gamer who is not alert not only chance of infection but can also be at risk of losing personal data, which again may result in financial losses.

• Social networks: As in the real world, we would have more trust in close friends. In the virtual world, facebook as a social networking site and friendship into the deployment of Internet crime. Many of the outstanding fake facebook account and made to commit a crime.

• Games that have been infected and pirated software: user or gamer potentially infected with a virus because it uses the computer game software counterfeit, or the crack. The game lovers are encouraged to be extra careful, especially for e-mail attachment submissions, and of course also removable media like USB flash drives.

• Malware: Lately malware that attack your computer online gamers and the most widely spread is Win32/PSW, malware of this type generally appears with keylogging and (sometimes) rootkit to gather information related to online games and player-owned data. Therefore, it is advisable for players in MMORPGs (Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Games) like Lineage and World of Warcraft, to remain vigilant against the threat of potential attacks them.

"The loss occurred because online gamers malware infiltration Win32/PSW.OnLineGames usually in the form of loss recovery points that are played online games and since that point was important achievements of the gamer world. Therefore, preventive action is necessary before the point or value is missing, "remarked by Yudhi Strong, Technical Consultant of PT. Prosperita-ESET Indonesia.Tips Shielded Fixed Play Online Games

Here are 5 tips to keep in mind ESET by gamers:

1. Always use an updated antivirus regularly and computer security solutions featuring Antispyware and Firewall: 5 ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus provides Gamer Mode feature that can do the switching automatically to silent mode to to Conserve system resources, so that the user can better enjoy the game or concentrate on important tasks with a computer without being distracted distractions.2. Use passwords for different accounts and create passwords that difficult to guess, and do not make too simple.

3. Please type in the URL or website you want online games directly in your browser or use bookmarks in your browser - this way you will avoid the element of chance to click a link from a search engine online games that have been infected.

4. Protect data with a password protector either on computer or in the cloud.

5. Never use the software crack, because it could be a rogue software or malicious software.

"High performance and does not affect the quality of the games are played. Two things are important indicators in choosing antivirus software. As a professional e-sports, in my opinion any disruption can result in the loss of our own and that's why I believe ESET is able to provide maximum protection, "said Marcel 'k1llsen' Paul, an e-sports gamer who is currently ranked top in the top gaming leagues in Jerman.Marcell ESC is not the only gamer who entrust the safety and comfort gamingnya at ESET. Berdasaran survey ever published by the Steam Hardware & Software Survey, ESET become the first choice of gamers for a paid antivirus category.


Welcoming the end of year holidays, Trend Micro, saw many consumers in Asia began to prepare for their long holiday with a variety of activities on the internet; start from existing announce holiday schedules and holiday location via social media (Facebook and twitter), to determine what items are they want beli.Diperkirakan end of this year the trend of online shopping will become a big market after last year bringing turnover of more than U $ 156.9 billion in 2010, would not be surprised if a large amount of money is the scene of the hackers to take advantage of the novice shoppers . In the third quarter 2011, over 8.3 million sites are used as a venue for online shopping. And, 26% are shoppers who use smartphones to take advantage of mobile services shopping.Karena see a rapid growth in online shopping, and more clever the hackers in guerrilla in this realm, here is a TIP for you, the shoppers, who like online shopping to be care in enjoy online shopping:
Bookmarks is the official shopping site as the information is important when trying to find stuff on the site. This minimizes the possibility of you fooled by a malicious site when looking through search engines. You can record the address of the official website of their advertising in the media or other reliable information.
Be careful with the shipment of goods and offer huge discounts via email. The average spam email like this bring a false link and attachment that it can be will infect your computer.
Checks and verification is sent back if you offer that make no sense via notification SMS, email, Facebook, or Twitter, before clicking a link campaign. You can call customer service shopping site to ensure the offer or promotion is underway.
Check back again to the payment page, if payment through a third party (eBay or PayPal) make sure you are at the correct address, do not let your credit card data is stolen and misused. It is better to choose a shopping site that uses a system of inter-bank transfers or direct payments (cash on delivery) with a debit or credit card.
If you are shopping enthusiast, there is no harm in installing security software that can block the action of the hackers and ensure you get into a secure shopping site.


Presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter mengungkapkan bahwa pada Piala Dunia 2014 Brasil nanti, pihaknya akan memperkenalkan teknologi garis gawang.

Penggunaan teknologi sebenarnya sudah diusulkan sejak lama. Namun, desakan agar FIFA menggunakan teknologi ini mulai tinggi setelah gol Frank Lampard pada Piala Dunia (PD) 2010 gagal diamati dengan baik oleh wasit.

Dalam laga yang mempertemukan Inggris dengan Jerman tersebut, bola tendangan Lampard terlihat jelas melampaui garis gawang Jerman yang dikawal oleh Manuel Neuer. Namun, gol itu tidak disahkan wasit karena lepas dari pengamatan mereka.

"Brasil 2014 akan mempunyai teknologi untuk mengantisipasi 'gol hantu'. Kami sedang mempertimbangkan dua sistem yang baik sesuai dengan keperluan pertandingan, yaitu menekankan aspek reliabilitas, kesegeraan, dan tidak rumit," ujar Blatter kepada El Mundo Deportivo.

FIFA sendiri sudah coba untuk mengantisipasi hal ini dengan menambah jumlah wasit dalam pertandingan. FIFA menambah dua wasit untuk berjaga di sisi gawang masing-masing tim. Namun, hal ini ternyata belum memuaskan beberapa pihak.


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    1.Sebagai layanan tanpa biaya untuk PC Windows asli, Microsoft Security Essentials menawarkan komprehensif, state-of-the-art perlindungan terhadap ancaman berbahaya seperti virus, Trojans, spyware, dan malware lainnya. Microsoft Security Essentials:
    Memberikan perlindungan berkualitas didukung oleh standar industri dan penelitian berkelanjutan ke dalam ancaman perangkat lunak.
    Dibangun pada platform industri-bersertifikat perlindungan antimalware Microsoft, Microsoft Security Essentials mengambil keuntungan dari teknologi inti yang sama bahwa antimalware bahan bakar sisa produk keamanan dari Microsoft, termasuk Microsoft Forefront, Alat Penghapus Perangkat Lunak Berbahaya, dan Windows Defender, dan telah menerima penghargaan VB100 dari Virus Bulletin Ltd, Checkmark sertifikasi dari West Coast Labs, dan sertifikasi ICSA Labs dari. Microsoft Security Essentials didukung oleh Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC), yang menyediakan kelas dunia penelitian antimalware dan kemampuan respon untuk mendukung semua produk keamanan dan layanan Microsoft. Anda dapat mengandalkan cepat, respon yang efektif terhadap berbagai ancaman keamanan dengan laboratorium penelitian di beberapa lokasi di seluruh dunia pada mencari baru ancaman perangkat lunak berbahaya dan berpotensi tidak diinginkan dimanapun dan kapanpun mereka muncul.

    2.Membuatnya mudah untuk tetap dilindungi setelah download sederhana.
    Ini semudah mengklik tombol download untuk mendapatkan Microsoft Security Essentials. Sistem Anda download Microsoft Security Essentials dalam bahasa yang Anda butuhkan dan menginstal * dengan beberapa klik mudah. Setelah Anda menginstal Microsoft Security Essentials pembaruan perangkat lunak Anda secara otomatis, sehingga mudah untuk duduk dan bersantai.
    Microsoft Security Essentials menggunakan layanan Microsoft Update untuk memastikan tanda tangan, mesin antimalware, dan aplikasi secara otomatis diperbarui. Tanda tangan malware baru akan didownload sekali per hari dengan tanda tangan baru diakses secara real time dekat melalui Layanan Dynamic Signature. Sebagai perubahan lanskap ancaman dan malware baru muncul, upgrade mesin malware dan fitur aplikasi baru juga dikirimkan kepada Anda secara otomatis melalui layanan Microsoft Update.

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    Ketika intervensi pengguna dibutuhkan, status yang jelas dan tindakan yang direkomendasikan disajikan kepada Anda pada halaman rumah dan melalui peringatan aplikasi, yang dirancang untuk meminimalkan gangguan. Selain itu, Anda dapat segera mengambil tindakan langsung dari peringatan.

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    Microsoft Security Essentials tidak membawa berat produk suite dan memiliki ukuran download lebih kecil. Scan dan update dijadwalkan untuk berjalan ketika PC idle dan menggunakan benang prioritas rendah. CPU throttling memastikan bahwa tidak lebih dari 50 persen dari CPU digunakan oleh Microsoft Security Essentials aktivitas, sehingga sistem anda terus untuk melakukan tugas-tugas Anda cenderung melakukan, seperti membuka file atau jendela browser, menyimpan file, dan menggunakan dipotong , menyalin, dan paste. Microsoft Security Essentials menggunakan smart caching dan memori aktif swapping sehingga tanda tangan yang tidak digunakan tidak mengambil ruang, sehingga membatasi jumlah memori yang digunakan bahkan sebagai volume malware yang dikenal terus meningkat. Hal ini membuat Microsoft Security Essentials ramah terhadap PC tua, seperti halnya hari ini lebih kecil, faktor bentuk yang kurang kuat seperti netbook.
    Kita berfokus pada peningkatan kinerja berkelanjutan Keamanan Microsoft Essentials juga. Telemetri pada file yang lambat untuk scan dikirim ke Microsoft untuk analisis dan resolusi, dan update mesin rutin dapat menggabungkan kemajuan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan scanning, menghapus tanda tangan yang tidak dibutuhkan, dan mengurangi penggunaan memori.

    5.Berjalan pelan di latar belakang."Tidak menganggu kerja program lain"
    Microsoft tidak mendorong menawarkan atau informasi-hanya menampilkan jendela pop-up atau update pemberitahuan status. Microsoft Security Essentials hanya berjalan pelan di latar belakang. Anda akan diberitahu hanya jika dan ketika ada tindakan khusus yang perlu diambil. Bila Anda tidak hadir atau terlalu sibuk untuk mengambil tindakan yang disarankan, Microsoft Security Essentials dapat mengambil tindakan default pada nama Anda, Anda dapat meluncurkan aplikasi di lain waktu untuk meninjau dan menyesuaikan tindakan yang diambil jika diinginkan.


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